Monday, February 21, 2011

The Vegetarians of Love - Bob Geldof

Released in 1990. I know Bob Geldof is famous for so many things other than his music (Live Aid, Paula Yates, The Boomtown Rats - I Don't Like Mondays, weird children names etc) but I actually love this album and even though it's now 21 years old it's still great.

My favorite song is - The Great Song Of Indefference and the story behind it is:
The band where just playing around in the studio when one or all of them came up with this catchy, diddly melody. At that time there were no lyrics to the song whatsoever and Bob just sang what came to his mind on the spur of the moment. 'Are we rolling?' Yes, the tape machine is rolling, so here we go. Take it slow, to begin with but make sure the song builds itself up and up and up. And as soon as accordion and violin kick in, we got them all square dancing!

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