Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Song Inside My Head, A Demon In My Bed - Oh Laura

Released in 2007 this is one of my favorite albums. It has some fantastic songs on it like Release Me, Out of Bounds, It Aint Enough, Fine Line and The Mess You Left Behind.

Now I’m sure you’re all thinking never ever heard of this little known Swedish group. Well neither had I but I have this weird way of falling in love with songs on advertisements and then googling them! In 2007 there was a SAAB ad that featured Release Me and that’s how I discovered Oh Laura. I went online and imported the cd immediately. It always fascinates me that a group like this doesn’t take off worldwide because the cd is packed with hits.

I have to add the Release Me lyrics for you ‘cause I just love them:

I am the wilderness locked in a cage
I am a growing force you kept in place
I am a tree reaching for the sun
Please don't hold me down

I am a rolling wave without the motion
A glass of water longing for the ocean
I am an asphalt flower breaking free but you keep stopping me
Release me

I am the rain that's coming down on you
That you shielded yourself from with a roof
I am the fire burning desperately but you're controlling me
Release me


  1. definately want to hear this one...never heard of them.

  2. Loved this. Will def look for this album and add to my collection.
